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  • Feb19Tue

    "Launching Your Care"

    February 19, 2019

    In its heyday, the space shuttle would generate nearly 8 million pounds of thrust just to lift itself off the launch pad into the atmosphere.  Once beyond the earth’s gravitational pull, it didn’t require as much effort to stay in space and could effortlessly cruise at 17,500 mph with a fraction of that power.   The same can be said for your Chiropractic care plan.


    The start of any healthy endeavor requires more effort – in Chiropractic that means more visits in the beginning to break free from the gravity of dis-ease and build forward momentum.  Once free from the ‘pull’ of poor habits and chronic illness, it requires less effort to keep you aloft. 


    It takes more effort to get off the initial care launch pad than it does to stay in a healthy orbit.  If you want to get results, expect to put more work in at the beginning of your care.   Your chiropractic team is ready to help you along the way… just stick with the mission plan and you’ll reach your destination.

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